MUMBAI, January. 3, 2008 (Thomson financial supplied of Newstex) — Indian the automobile sector for higher sales growth this year with the expected case in interest rate and a run new exemplary product introductions balanced and according to Market research the consultation RNCOS. In December car sales of the passenger grew, while domestic sales Kw_twoKw_two wheeler rose during it exports were flat. RNCOS said in one report on Indian automobile sector the fact that there is growth potential in automobile sector because reached through low is. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., largest car manufacturers of the Indias and a subsidiary of Japanese Suzuki Motor Corp, gave its highest domestic sales in December on durable exports and the A3 (sedan category) 54,7 pct of same month the year more earlier increasing admits. Kw_company said, during the monthly, its entire sales, including exports, 9,7 pct to 62,515 units against 59.985 units the year more earlier grew. Tata drives Ltd., largest to carrier manufacturers of the Indias, said its December sales, including exports, fell 2 pct to 47,678 units and shifts 19 pct increase in the bright commercial carrier sales. Kw_company, which is expected, its ultra inexpensive mini car to discharge price determined with 2.500 usd the following week at Auto the Expo in new Delhi, said its commercial carrier sales rose 2 pct to 28,179 units, during middle and heavy commercial sales of the carriers (M&HCVs) 9 pct to 15,689 units fell. Kw_car of sales of the passenger Tatas slipped also 13 pct to 14,316 units. second the Indias largest car manufacturers, Hyundai Motor India Ltd., said its total December sales, including exports, rose 5,6 pct to 24,664 units against 23.355 units the year more earlier. December largest car manufacturers South of Korea Hyundai Motor CO (OOTC:HYMOF) Indian said unit grew domestic sales more over 18 pct, raised by its evenly discharged mini car i10. Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. December sales, including exports, pushed to 15,316 units of 15.134 units. Honda siel Cars India, a Joint venture between Motor CO ( NYSE:HMC) Honda that of Japan and siel Ltd. (OOTC:SILZF), said cumulative sales in the calendar year 2007, rose 7,5 pct to 60,387 units of 56.197 units the year more earlier. General Bewegungscorp’s ( NYSE:GM) daughter GR. India said Decembers sales increased 144 pct to 6.309 units of 2.583 units the year more earlier. P Balendran, president GR. Vice India, said places it to lobsters the H3 and Cadillac CTS die cars as well as Chevrolet WTCC ultra, T2X and subsequent concepts at the new Delhi Auto the Expo to the schau. Volkswagen AG company SkodaAutos unit, SkodaIndia, said discharge it its Fabia supermini, that on January. 9, at Auto the Expo car is. During the calendar year 2007, company said the sales rose 3,2 pct to 12,596 units. The commercial carrier segment slowed down, because banks of credit note rivers tightened last year, said Chirag Shah, analyst with Emkay portion and mediator Ltd., in a new report. To be probable but it said war there, a return 2008-09. Two and Kw_threeKw_thre wheelerverkaeufe were flat in December with Held honda engine Ltd. (OOTC:HRHDF), Bajaj Auto Ltd. (OOTC:BJJAF) and television sets Motor CO Ltd., motorcycle manufacturer three top the Indias and reported higher exports and on lower domestic sales. Normally Decembers leave car to sales like, while die carriers, die are sold in this the month, being seen above, while 2007 modelled, while those, which is sold in January, 2008 models are, thus esbeeinflusst esbeeinflusst the resale value of a carrier and to Sharekhan Ltd., a Mumbai created broker activity according. Held honda engine, largest Kw_twoKw_two more wheelerhersteller the Indias, said its December sales slipped 4,72 pct to 240,532 units of 252.462 units the year earlier. fell second largest Kw_twoKw_two more wheelerhersteller the Indias, Bajaj Auto said its sales, including Kw_threeKw_thre wheelerverkaeufe and exports, 7 pct to 199,470 units and shifted 29 pct growth in the exports. Kw_Motor, said he sees television sets higher sales 2008 on several product introductions. It willt also product introduction its Flame 125cc motorcycle. Its Decembers of domestic sales fell on 51.293 units against 58.756 units, and exports rose to 14,402 units against 7.088 units one year earlier. yos/jro/yos/alo/ssa/yos/ssa/lam copyright Thomson financial news Limited 2007. all rights reserve Die copy, die new edition or die redistribution of Thomson financial news of contents, including by shapes or die similar means, are expressly forbidden without die prior written agreement of Thomson financial news. Newstex identification: AFX-0013-22002833
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